Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

A Fact-Based Analysis of Islam

For American readers who were away for the Memorial Day weekend and may have missed this video: on May 12, 2011, Bill Warner spoke at the Cornerstone Church in Nashville, TN. His speech was part of Geert Wilders’ event, “A Warning to America”, sponsored by the Tennessee Freedom Coalition.

To reserve a copy of a DVD of the entire event, including speeches by Steve Gill, Bill Warner, Sam Solomon, and Geert Wilders, email the Tennessee Freedom Coalition:

Previous posts about the Tennessee Freedom Coalition:

2011 May 14 A Warning to America: “It’s Islam, Stupid!”
    14 The Tennessean Weighs In
    16 Tennessee the Model
    17 Losing Our Community
    18 Being Effective in Tennessee
    29 The Facts of Islam

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