Senin, 06 Juni 2011

coloring pages for girls 12 and up

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  • simply258
    Sep 25, 11:06 AM

    still not acceptable compared to RAW formats that Lightroom supports

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 10, 10:28 AM

    I was just listening to Biscuits & Bach on iTunes, and they went to Davidson College Presbyterian services at 11:00.

    OMG. :eek:

    I was dumped with guilt in the first 5 minutes. "Jesus did this for you...", "God did that for you...".

    Who asked Them? Not me, not my parents, or their parents, etc.


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  • mags631
    Jun 19, 09:03 AM
    Pour all their R&D into technologies that don't even exist yet, while continuing to throw up excuses for why they can't include technologies that do. Like Blu-Ray.

    I recommend you listen to this interview (

    While this quote ( doesn't specifically mention bluray, it seems like Apple is choosing not to "ride" Bluray into the future:

    Apple has a history of doing that, Jobs says, noting that Apple was the first company to dump the floppy and later, to adopt USB. “Sometimes when we get rid of things, people call us crazy….But sometimes you just have to pick the things that are going to be the right horse to ride forward….And Flash has had it’s day…but HTML5 is starting emerge….The video looks better and it works better and you don’t need a plug-in to run it. And while 75 percent of the video on the Web may be available in Flash, a lot of it is available in HTML5 as well.”

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  • johng2222
    Mar 20, 11:49 AM
    So much whining, so little time.

    About the only reason I'd care about anyone getting a discount is if I couldn't get the same discount myself.

    Apple can charge what makes sense to them. As long as it's a decent business decision on their side, I have no gripe. If demand is high enough, they can get what they ask. If their institutional customers want to be "tossed a bone" to buy, then throw them a bone and make it up on volume.

    Make some money Apple - and don't go broke in the process.

    I like what Apple does enough to want Apple to stay healthy.

    Nobody has to buy anything Apple sells if they don't want to. Nor can Apple make them.

    Move on, people.


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  • bloodycape
    Apr 25, 04:08 PM
    There have been many intel gpu based machine that had 1600x900 res displays, like the C2D Vaio Z or some of the offerings from Lenovo. I don't see why apple can't give such a res with to the 11.6in MBA with a 350nit display and wide color gamut. Then just add and SD card slot, make the usb ports 3.0 and a maybe even add a thunderbolt port and I'd be the first in line to get one.

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  • balamw
    Oct 9, 04:59 PM
    The resale value of the purchased media drops to $0 the moment I buy it.
    I generally agree with your thesis, restricted downloads should be a lot cheaper than new DVDs.

    However, I believe that, for the most part, the market for used DVDs has dried up. I was doing pretty well buying movies and reselling them after I watched them (sort of Netflix w/o the subscription or deadlines) but now many of the movies I want to get rid of are often available for $2 + s/h on Amazon. So the only DVDs that sell for a decent price are rare or almost new movies...

    Plenty of new DVDs of older movies for $10 or less at your local Target or Wally World.



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  • carlgo
    Mar 27, 10:35 AM
    "If I moved just this far over I bet I could get reception...."

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  • tarkeybear
    Oct 9, 06:15 PM
    I am a major Apple fan-boy but I haven't bought movies from iTunes for a couple reasons.
    1) I like the special features on DVDs, and I doubt apple is offering alternate soundtracks, subtitles, director's comments, etc. with the Apple movie offerings.
    2) My daughters like taking a DVD with them to their grandparents house. Unless we centralize Apple downloaded movies at my house and equip my kids with video iPods, the Apple movie sale solution is not a very portable option.

    Don't get me wrong, one day I'll probably buy a movie from Apple, but at this time, I'll pay a $5-$10 premium for portability.
    I do buy TV shows from iTunes, but I don't expect extra features with TV shows.

    As other posters have have suggested, even if "Johnny Lunch-Pail" isn't interested in the benefits in physical media I list above, he probably won't have the bandwidth to download the movies at any reasonable speed. How much time does it take to save $5?
    "Instant gratification" of iTunes movies is going to be painfully slow on most peeps DSL.

    I'm surprised the folks at Target and Walmart haven't figured this out. Maybe the execs making all the fuss assume that their shoppers have the same high-end systems that they have?

    I would assume any impact to DVD sales will be incremental, and T&W should be able to adjust their business model to this, adjusting retail space accordingly.


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  • mechamac
    Oct 9, 03:36 PM
    Eeeeeeyep, Target is just gonna stop selling DVDs if they don't get their way. Uh huh. Ridiculous.

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  • Dooger
    Mar 20, 09:25 AM
    Who cares??? its a $500 device that can replace all computer needs of any student. Period.


    Any student? No. Just No.

    Please engage some sort of thought process before you make statements as ludicrous as this.


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  • Arran
    Mar 26, 05:15 PM
    Schmidt: Hey Steve, you think a quarter's an okay tip? I mean, it's only a latte.

    Steve: Pffft. No wonder you're rich.

    Schmidt: (Looks around furtively. Whispers.) All in pennies - so it looks bigger. Yeah?

    Steve: They'll count it, dummy!

    Schmidt: Okay. I'll hand it to that *other* server, and ask him to pass it on?

    Steve: (Sighs. Shakes head) They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it.

    (Okay, maybe not :) )

    coloring pages for girls 12 and up. coloring pages for girls 12
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  • Keleko
    Mar 15, 07:53 AM
    I'm still trying to decide if I love it or hate it! It's beautiful, yet ugly ... all at once. I definitely see all 4 elements -- another nice contrast. I think it would have done well in the surreal contest we just had.

    It'd probably work for the next contest theme "Beauty in unexpected places", too.


    coloring pages for girls 12 and up. coloring pages for girls 12
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  • MrSmith
    Nov 11, 09:57 PM
    No. In fact the average Japanese cannot say 'robster'. The 'L to R' problem ('ret's go') is when Japanese know they're trying to say an English word with 'L' and automatically think the Japanese sound would be incorrect so try to make it sound more like English. The actual Japanese L/R sound is nearer to 'L' and our English words beginning with 'L' are not a problem. Therefore the average Japanese would pronounce 'lobster' with an 'L' but 'rabbit' would be pronounced 'labbit'.

    coloring pages for girls 12 and up. coloring pages for girls 12
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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 24, 03:21 AM
    the new x220 does the mba better in three items above today for a fact. time for apple to step it up again.

    And is about twice as thick (up to ten times if measured from MBA's thinnest point) and weighs 0.7lb or 1.3lb more. Basically it's just a lighter 13" MBP since even MBP is thinner. No thank you.


    coloring pages for girls 12 and up. coloring pages for girls 12
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  • big samm
    Jan 6, 05:27 PM
    and the logging chat is still bugging what mean by that is each time i exit the facebook application and open it back it logs me in the chat even know i logged off before exiting the application... anyone else have this problem?

    coloring pages for girls 12 and up. coloring pages for girls 12
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  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 8, 10:54 PM
    What does temporary mean exactly? I mean if Obama has said he isn't signing any more exceptions.

    I meant short-term.


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  • rasher
    Mar 21, 11:11 AM
    anyone have any luck over the weekend?

    coloring pages for girls 12 and up. coloring pages for girls 12
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  • fourthtunz
    Sep 14, 03:13 PM
    It seems like alot of the folks posting on this thread haven't tried the new Macs with osX.2. I'll admit 3 weeks ago the arguements posted above may have been valid, and thats not to say that apple doesn't have to come out with faster stuff to keep up with pcs but right now the Mac is very fast and a good deal.
    $1899 for a dual 867 with a dvd burner and the software is pretty close to a similar pc and the included software is a real deal.
    The new Hardware is a real improvement too. 2 optical bays and 4 ide drive bays with included raid software, if you haven't installed anything in the new Macs, believe me this is the best!
    I use my Macs fulltime in my audio/video studio and for me it doesn't get any better than this!
    Yes Macs initially cost more but the new speed/productivity boost quickly makes up of the slight difference.
    So buy an emac if you need a cheap computer, maybe not as fast as the cheap pc but more portable!

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  • BobVB
    Aug 14, 12:51 PM
    No it won't convert the PC fanboys or the increasingly popular 'I can be offended quicker than you can' crowd but I really doubt those are the target audience. The ads are humorous and hit exactly the kind of audience from which 'switchers' come from - those dissatisfied with their PC experience.

    Apple isn't trying to take over the entire computer market - way too many people you wouldn't want as customers in that crowd. Just getting the kind that do find the commercials humorous and 'on the mark' with the added controversy the commercials themselves spawn is probably more than enough. Look at this thread - if I'd were leaning towards Macs and ran into the PC sourpusses here I'd get one just to provoke them further. Humorless people need to be taunted and provoked at every opportunity - they will either grow or explode, both steps up.

    Apr 7, 04:02 AM
    Nobody is upset that after 4+ years they're STILL using the chrome back?!?!?
    Easily fixed as it's always been right back to the old iPods.

    Oct 2, 05:31 PM
    I've been working in my spare time on creating a distrubted computer system based on Xgrid to render Blender 3D projects. It works well on my local LAN, but in the last week I've started to expand it to allow others to connect. So far the Grid has 10.6 Ghz registered to it via internet users.

    Blender 3D is Opensource and supported on many platforms including Solaris, FreeBSD, Linux, OSX, and Windows. The major draw back is thus far only macintosh users have been able to connect and process jobs.

    I've tried using windows boxes connecting through an opensource JAVA client and then do connect to the grid and accept tasks, but output an error stating "Blender could not be found at current location" or something to that effect. Basically I figure that blender has to be in the same place on all the machines.

    I haven't gotten any Linux/BSD users to try the system yet, but there were some sucesses on local grids with Linux machines connenting and rendering works.

    Help and advice are sorely welcome. You can check out for more information.

    So far, I've gotten users to connect to the grid, but the controller is not distrubting out tasks to those agents. They are just shown as "unavailable". And am advancing beyond my technical expertise here, so help and ideas will be welcome.

    Mar 20, 07:12 AM
    This $20 discount is a kick in the nuts from Apple.
    It's in line with their CPP published prices for their computers, which see only modest $20-30 discounts over the education retail pricing for the 5- and 10-packs.

    Since the iPad education retail price is $499 and the package price already down $20 to $479, it would be unusual for the pack to be discounted more than the iMacs and MacBooks. Honestly it's a bit of a surprise that they have the same package discount as the 13" MacBook Pro on the iPad. When you consider that they're already getting education pricing and tax exemptions, plus other perks and extras from their package purchase, it's not such a bad deal.

    So how is it that Apple can only give the education sector a $20 discount per device when Amazon can buy this device from Apple (who is making a profit), resell it to consumers, AND STILL MAKE A PROFIT?
    Profit might be an overstatement. It's my understanding that most resellers don't get more than a 10% discount over retail price from Apple, and Amazon is a master of the loss leader. It often sells iPods and other popular items at near-break-even to attract other sales. It famously sells its eBooks at a loss.
    As far as I know, there aren't many electronics manufacturers that even offer education discounts, so it's difficult to hang Apple for not giving bigger discounts.
    Most offer some form of institutional purchase discounts.

    Mar 10, 08:15 AM (

    I like the "feel" of this picture and the muted soft colors. It gives me a sense of peace and solitude. I would have liked the horse more to the left of the frame with more space to the right where he/she is looking. Great capture overall.

    Apr 20, 09:43 AM
    To those waiting for the next MacBook Air, if the refresh includes Sandy Bridge and a backlit keyboard however has Intel HD Graphics 3000 as the GPU, will you simply pick up this generation's unit at a discount or opt for the refresh?

    There are arguments that Sandy Bridge won't be noticeable in actual day to day activities like browsing the web and watching HD movies however it is argued that the graphics will take a big hit, especially when looking at the 13" MacBook Pros.

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