Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

eminem eminem show album cover

eminem eminem show album cover. Album Cover. Drake,Eminem
  • Album Cover. Drake,Eminem

  • bsnf
    02-06 07:19 PM
    My wife Volunteered at a day care, a school and the school that she is currently working before the school sponcered her H1 and hired her as a regular employee. We checked with the School HR ( Lawyer ) and our Lawyer before she worked as a volunteer at the school that she is currently working and neither objected.
    There were no documents involved in the volunter work, I don't see how this could cause any issue.

    Volunteer work done
    Day Care --> 8 months
    School --> 6 months
    Current school --> 3 months

    eminem eminem show album cover. (In Album The Eminem Show
  • (In Album The Eminem Show

  • GCFrenzy
    05-12 09:19 AM
    The law in question in Arizona was SB 1070. When it passed, I was an immigrant resident of that state.

    When I received my greencard two years ago, I was sent a letter from the Department of Homeland Security -- the same letter that is sent to thousands of new immigrants every week -- from which I quote:

    We will soon mail you a new Permanent Resident Card... When you receive your card, you must carry it with you at all times if you are 18 older. It is the law.
    Pretty clear.


    Robin Koerner: A Legal Immigrant's Take on Illegal Immigration (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robin-koerner/a-legal-immigrants-take-o_b_860273.html)

    eminem eminem show album cover. Eminem Concert Tour T Shirt
  • Eminem Concert Tour T Shirt

  • now2know
    May 18th, 2005, 06:47 AM
    I'm having a problem with a Nikon d100 camera taking the necessary pictures for a high dynamic range photo. I need to take 3 pictures in a short ammount of time (which I can do, using the bracket setting) but I need to vary the shutter speed manually in this setting, with a different exposure time for each of the 3 pictures taken in the bracket. Is there any way that I can do this, or any software that will allow me to accomplish this?


    eminem eminem show album cover. Song by Eminem album cover
  • Song by Eminem album cover

  • giddu
    06-27 12:21 PM
    June 18, 2007, ( Premium Processing)


    eminem eminem show album cover. since The Eminem Show and
  • since The Eminem Show and

  • mmk123
    05-01 03:04 PM
    What do you mean by a line breaker? Porting from EB3 to EB2 by satisfying all eligibility criteria is exactly valid and lawful.

    Our problem is not anyone who is porting but the bottleneck created by current immigration policies (which still function to pretend we are still in 19th century and inaction by congress over the years. Let's pursue congress to take our cause.

    eminem eminem show album cover. Up by Eminem album cover
  • Up by Eminem album cover

  • sayantan76
    07-05 08:36 PM
    I am on L1 B visa here for last 2.5 years working for MNC (Fortune 200). The benefits folks recently contacted me and told me that I was not allowed to participate in US retirement plans (401K) due to L1 visa restrictions, and that they are returning all my previous contributions and earnings back to me as an income. They said that they allowed to participate me for past 2.5 years by mistake.
    My question is if this is true ? Are there other folks on L1 who are participating in 401 K plans ? what are my options here ?

    I have been in US on L1A for more than 3 years now....i participate in 401(k), my company matches as per company policy, company contributes to pension plan separately as per company policy for US employees.....

    I am not a lawyer nor a tax expert and this is purely based on my personal interpretation.......all retirement/ welfare benefits etc have to be non discriminatory - i.e. any plan available to general class of employees on US payroll should equally apply to you irrespective of your visa status..this has nothing to do with whether company intends to sponsor GC or not or any other factor....only exception is B1 holders since B1 holders are not supposed to get US payroll........


    eminem eminem show album cover. Eminem - Recovery Front cover
  • Eminem - Recovery Front cover

  • EADchallenged
    03-23 12:24 PM

    I dont know what you guys think about the competing bills - Frist and Specter, but I get the feeling that the Frist bill which does not include any of the Illegal immigration amnesty provisions but does contain almost everything you would want for EB immigration better serves our purpose.

    The Specter Bill with the Guest Worker Program even if it passes the Senate will not pass the hardline conservative Congress - which could mean that all our EB provisions also get scuttled. Hence, I think it is in our best interest if the Comprehensive Immigration Bill (Specter) does not see the light of the day on the 27th. I would desist from urging the Judiciary committe from trying to make the deadline.

    What do you guys think

    eminem eminem show album cover. Eminem - The Eminem Show
  • Eminem - The Eminem Show

  • DSLStart
    04-11 05:46 PM
    First, get a new attorney and have him file G-28 for your 485, that way you'll control your 485, and also start the job hunt.

    I lost my job.My 140 is approved and I 485 is over 180 days.I have 2 yr EAD .I was laid off on 6 th April and I see LUD on I-485 on 9 april.I am so much worried that I may get RFE.
    What are my option if I get RFE on Employment before getting new job.How can I get my RFE from company lawyer becase Lawyer address is on my 485 Receipt.


    eminem eminem show album cover. Eminem acaba de conquistar o
  • Eminem acaba de conquistar o

  • nileshup
    09-25 04:50 PM
    I had a positive skin test & doctor recommended the 9 months tb treatment, but I applied for I485 & EAD because the doctor did provide me with I693 sealed envelope.

    Now, Will it be a problem to get an EAD??? because I haven't completed my 9 months of treatment.


    eminem eminem show album cover. 10 - Eminem - Say What You Say
  • 10 - Eminem - Say What You Say

  • bsbawa10
    09-06 08:57 AM
    I am starting this thread to collect examples of inefficiencies and inconstencies of USCIS . Also examples of hiding data by USCIS.

    Whenever you give example of your experience if possible add:
    1. Dates
    2. Details of what happened
    3. Action that you took and reaction by USCIS.

    Some of the examples that I have seen on this forum are 1. Wrong photograph on AP 2. Totally different answers from customer service 3. Internal memo in USCIS not made public about holding visas for EB2 India etc.


    eminem eminem show album cover. Eminem#39;s Recovery Album On Top
  • Eminem#39;s Recovery Album On Top

  • honeyB
    01-23 04:21 PM

    eminem eminem show album cover. Album The Eminem Show )
  • Album The Eminem Show )

  • bkarnik
    07-11 11:54 AM
    Could you please post a brief transcript about what transpired? It need not be verbatim but enough to give us an idea of what was said.



    eminem eminem show album cover. The+Eminem+Show Eminem The
  • The+Eminem+Show Eminem The

  • Almond
    11-11 05:29 PM
    Almond, even i used to think "so close and yet so far". but now have understood, i was never close to begin with...:(
    it is better to accept the reality than trying to live with fool's gold like i did for about 2-3 years...

    kartik, I am amazed by your priority date. Have you done infopass to see what the hold up is? Open the dictionary and you'll see us in the definition of "badluck" lol

    eminem eminem show album cover. By the time The Eminem Show
  • By the time The Eminem Show

  • shana04
    02-17 04:24 PM
    Can I invoke AC21 by using H1-B transfer?

    Enjoy your life, but do it careful.


    eminem eminem show album cover. TITLE : The Eminem Show (Clean
  • TITLE : The Eminem Show (Clean

  • atlfp
    04-08 12:34 PM
    I thought the "Freedom of Information Act" requires the federal goverment to disclose all data and procedure unless it is exempt by some other laws (list of super spies, for instance). Wouldn't it be possible to using this law to force them to disclose their numbers?

    Is there any month by month ombudsman report? I was just thinking It doesn't have too much of use if they report AFTER the number is wasted....

    I am not an expert in law but we cannot "Force" the deparment of state to release numbers. However some numbers are already available for 2005 in usage stats.

    If they waste numbers in 2006, then they may be recaptured and used in 2007 - ONLY IF - the comprehensive bill or the PACE act passes as both have recapture provision.

    Doesnt the ombudsman report show all numbers even today? I thought they did.

    eminem eminem show album cover. Eminem CD - The Eminem show
  • Eminem CD - The Eminem show

  • Aah_GC
    05-03 07:20 PM
    Hi my father lost his passport at the airport today and with it his I94 and US B1 visa. We do have scanned copies of his US Visa and Passport. I would appreciate any pointers on the following question -

    1. What are my next steps?
    2. I figured from browsing few sites that he needs to apply for I94 - does any one know of any vague ETA there?
    3. Would he have to go through his visa stamping again?

    Much apprecaite your reply.



    eminem eminem show album cover. Eminem Recovery album artwork
  • Eminem Recovery album artwork

  • santa123
    09-10 08:12 AM
    My apologies for re-posting...
    but looks like we are all late... in the GC waiting game:rolleyes:
    Hard to remain hopeful

    eminem eminem show album cover. Eminem - The Eminem Show
  • Eminem - The Eminem Show

  • memyselfandus
    06-03 08:59 AM
    Since i had to spend US $ 70 on passportport photos during july 2007 filing, i wrote my own app to format passport photos. some of my my friends and i used it for filing AP the last couple years. i can email it to any of you if you want it. just PM me.
    you would need .NET framework(minimum version 2.0) to run it.
    it supports indian passport photos too (3.5 cm by 4.5 cm) :)

    I have used this site to generate several times.

    eminem eminem show album cover. I#39;ll Show Ya”
  • I#39;ll Show Ya”

  • Blog Feeds
    07-03 05:50 PM
    DHS Leadership Journal Has Just Posted the Following:


    http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/photos/Thad_Allen.jpg (http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/photos/Thad_Allen.jpg)
    Later today, I will be relieved as Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard by Admiral Robert Papp. It has been an honor to serve as your Commandant for the past four years and I am confident in Admiral Papp's ability to lead the Service during a period of tremendous changes, challenges, and opportunities. The value of the U.S. Coast Guard (http://www.uscg.mil/) has never been greater than it is today and it is the men and women of our great Service who truly make it all possible.

    After the Change of Command ceremony, I will continue to serve as the National Incident Commander for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill for some period of time but I wanted to take this final opportunity to thank you for your tremendous commitment, dedication, and courage over the past four years.

    When I became the Commandant in 2006, I issued a number of orders that I thought were necessary to meet the challenges we faced then and set the conditions for future success. With your help we have accomplished a great deal. We transformed our acquisition process, enhanced our marine safety capability and capacity, created a new and more effective support structure for our Reserve Forces, stood up the Force Readiness Command and Deployable Operations Group, created the Maritime Enforcement Rating, and transformed our maintenance and logistics processes. At the same time we met operational challenges in piracy off the Horn of Africa, the tsunami in America Samoa, the earthquake in Haiti, and more recently the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We accomplished all of that without losing focus on our broader mission set. We continued to interdict drugs and made major strides to eliminate the use of self propelled semi-submersibles. We deployed wireless biometric capability to significantly reduce illegal alien migration. At the same time we saved countless lives.

    In the last six years, we have also strengthened our relationships within the Department of Homeland Security. Through the completion of the first Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (http://www.dhs.gov/qhsr), we helped mature the Department and build the Nation's homeland security enterprise.

    In the process we enhanced our ties to the Department of Defense. We held unprecedented staff talks with the Navy, Air Force, Marines, Army Corps of Engineers and the National Guard Bureau. The Chief of Naval Operations, the Commandant of the Marine Corps and I cosigned "A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower" and Naval Operating Concepts. We forged stronger bonds with our interagency partners in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Maritime Administration, Drug Enforcement Administration, National Transportation Safety Board, and the Department of the Interior. Finally, we strengthened our international ties with our hemispheric partners and through the North Pacific Coast Guard Forum and North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum. Together, we raised the visibility of Coast Guard missions to our external stakeholders and our international partners.

    The common thread connecting each of these of initiatives and actions, and my overarching goal as Commandant, was for the Coast Guard to become more change-centric - to sense changes in our operational environment and have the courage to make course corrections before problems overwhelm us or we have terms dictated to us externally. To do that we must become more diverse, adapt to new technologies, and embrace social media as well. I believe we have become more change-centric and a learning organization that capitalizes on lessons learned. Nowhere has this been more evident than in our responses to the devastating earthquake in Haiti and in our leading role to the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The world has seen the value of the U.S. Coast Guard in action. We protect, defend, and save America's maritime interests wherever they are at stake - that is the legacy you have left for our future Guardians to embrace.

    In spite of our operational successes, challenges remain. Our operations are not risk free and we have known the pain at the loss of shipmates from USCGC HEALY, MSST Anchorage, CG 6505, and CG 1705. Our promise to them is to prevent future accidents and insure we create the safest possible environment for our personnel. The Coast Guard will meet future challenges because of our multi-mission nature, bias for action, and the incredible talent and dedication of our people. As we look to the future, I encourage each of you to be insatiably curious, to be life-long learners, to look after your shipmates, and, finally, to seize every chance to apply your leadership skills, talent, and competencies when the opportunity presents itself.

    I am incredibly proud of all our active duty members, reservists, civilians and auxiliarists. No matter how fiercely the winds of change swirl around us, our people stabilize the Service. You are America's Maritime Guardians and your country needs you now more than ever. It has been my extraordinary honor to have been your Commandant and I am excited to see where you will take the organization in the future. Fair winds.

    Admiral Thad W. Allen

    Reposted from the U.S. Coast Guard's iCommandant (http://blog.uscg.dhs.gov/) blog. Published by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/7013398738785291364-1824635971714777308?l=journal.dhs.gov
    http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?d=yIl2AUoC8zA (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?a=RBHzjpmLkYI:knrlY4jnSt4:yI l2AUoC8zA) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?i=RBHzjpmLkYI:knrlY4jnSt4:V_ sGLiPBpWU (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?a=RBHzjpmLkYI:knrlY4jnSt4:V_ sGLiPBpWU) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?i=RBHzjpmLkYI:knrlY4jnSt4:F7 zBnMyn0Lo (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?a=RBHzjpmLkYI:knrlY4jnSt4:F7 zBnMyn0Lo)

    More... (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DHS_LeadershipJournal/~3/RBHzjpmLkYI/commandants-change-of-command.html)

    05-24 01:57 PM

    For the last two days, the Senate floor focused on the procedural motions as to whether the Senate should take up and continue S. 1348 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. People know that this is the bill which the Senate passed last year and was killed in the House. S. 1348 is this bill which was reintroduced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. By agreeing to proceed and go into debate, the Senate floor at least overcame the opposition by a few anti-immigration Senators.
    On May 21, 2007, the Senator Reid introduced, for himself, Senator Kennedy and Senator Specter, a motion to substitute the text of the S.1348 by the bi-partisan compromise which was produced by a bi-partisan group of Senators and White House during the weekend. Accordingly, there was no serious debate about the controversial issues in the compromise during last two days other than Senator Dorgan's motion to amend the Senator's Reid's amendment to substitute S. 1348 to kill temporary worker program. The floor rejected his motion and his motion was defeated yesterday.
    The debates on controversial issues in the compromise bill are expected to be heated up from today after the Senate floor passes the Senator Reid's motion to substitute the S. 1348. A series of amendments to the substituted bill are expected to be introduced from today on. This means that those who oppose the controversial poisonous elements in the compromise bill must mobilize their forces to pressure the Senate to amend these poisonous proposals in the compromise. This is the most important time for people to arise and act!
    It appears that the restrictionist Republicans opposed the CIR last year on the issues of relief of illegal immigrants including temporary guest worker program and legalization of 12 million illegal aliens in the country. Since then, as affected by the pressures from in and outside of the country, including the swift of position in the Christian forces, Hispanic forces, White House, and other forces, these core groups of restrictionist Republicans shifted their strategies in such a way that they give concession to the issues relating to the illegal aliens including guest worker program and legalization of illegal aliens, and instead focus on strategy to overhaul immigration system to achieve control and reduction of the number of immigrants allowed to come into this country and more importantly to control the types of immigrants allowed to immigrate to this country in terms of the ethnic and racial backgrounds, and immigrants from non-English speaking countries. Underlying the point systems, concept of control of chain of immigrants, and removal of certain family-based immigrant categories are the hidden agenda of the restrictivonist and right wing Republican forces to control immigrants and more importantly immigrants from certain part of the world. This hidden agenda is disguised in the name of the country's need for immigrants who can contribute to the nation's economy. The center of development of this concept and proposal was the Heritage Foundation, the think-tank of the conservative Republicans. This agenda has been pushed forward for the last few years through its arms in various communities, including some immigration groups. They penetrated into some immigrant groups, particularly employment-based immigrant groups, to divide the immigrant community and their supporters.
    By now, people have learnt the hidden agenda of the conservative and restrictionist group, and the opposition to the poinonous agenda that are conceived in the compromise is growing fast. It is clear that the country and the immigrant community have to pass a comprehensive immigration reform legislation this year. The way to achieve this goal is to contact with the legislators en masse to remove the poinonous segments in the bill and the hidden agenda of the restrictionists and pass the bill. Accordingly, the amendment process is extremely important to achieve the overall goals of passing the CIR and passing the CIR without poisons. This is achievable since this is the Democrat Congress. This reporter assures the readers that should the Senate fail to pass such workable bill, there will be no, repeat no, CIR legislation enacted this year and in the next few years.
    Please copy and send this message to any one or any organizations via email or web posting or fax as quickly as possible!

    06-11 02:30 PM
    I dont know about other IT like SAP etc, but software and hardware majors like Microsoft, Intel , Cisco, Yahoo, Google are facing tremendous shortage of skilled labor. For eg:

    My wife recently graduated in CS. At the career fair, if the companies declared they wanted to get resumes only from Citizens and GC holders, their booths were empty and were waiting for people to turn up to them. If they allowed F1 students, there used to be a big queue and even the citizens were happy to be part of the queue. Bottomline is in addition to skills its also company culture. Companies that dont discriminate by visa types grow faster and have better work cultures.

    Also in a graduating class of 100 people, there were barely 5-6 white or african american citizens, 5-6 Iranians, 5-6 others, rest were Indians and chinese in ratio of 60 to 40 pecent.

    When it comes to PhDs there were suprisingly again higher number of US citizens and chinese but very few indians which led me to think that americans go for higher education in very small numbers or their number is small in graduate school but they go all the way up and complete PhD. Where as most Indians and chinese drop out after MS which is good but not really innovative research.

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