Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

My Personal Review for Promises by Marie Sexton

I picked up Promises because I liked the sound of the blurb. Wasn't sure what I was getting story wise but the minute I started reading I was hooked. This is the first book in the Coda Series and I have to admit, I stayed up really late just to finish it. Needless to say once pay day hits, I am getting the rest of the series to read. :-)

Now onto my review of Promises.....

Jared Thomas loves his small town of Coda, Colorado. He lives, works and has an enjoyable life…a bit one that is a bit lonely as well. Being the only other gay man has it disadvantages mainly there are no single gay men to have a relationship with. Jared was fine with that until Matt Richards walks into the door and into his life. From then on, it’s misunderstandings, falling in love, secrets and a whole lot of sexual tension between the two men. Will they be able to find a way to work past everything that is thrown at them to have the relationship they deserve?

I seriously don't know how I missed this series before now. I have seen the author around on loops, facebook, etc but never really explored her books. Well I am remedying that ASAP. Promises is an engrossing tale of a small town and the two men who find they are perfect for one another. What I loved the most about this story was how the author was able to incorporate small town life into the storyline. It made the story much more life like and I could really relate to the characters.
The characters in Promise had me at times, laughing, sighing and wanting to smack them for their stubbornness. They are so life like I swear I could find them in my small town and be friends with them. They were quite multi-dimensional and kept my attention till the very end. Jared Thomas is an openly gay man but doesn't flaunt it in his small town. He loves his town but the man prospects are dismal at best. Enter in new police officer, Matt Richards. He blew Jared away with his smile, the kindness he spies in his face and the loneliness he sees in his eyes. A kindred spirit they become friends and Jared is resigned to loving Matt secretly as Matt is straight....well Jared thinks he is that is. What results is secret desires, confusion, misunderstandings and more. Can Jared get Matt to accept and embrace his feelings or will Matt walk away from Jared forever? 

I love how this author really peeled the layers from him and Matt so the readers could see the heart of their issues throughout the story. Each time I felt like I knew the characters, another layer would be ripped open and you would see a whole new side of them. It made the story much more life like to me. There were a few secondary characters that left quite an impression on me so I am hoping the author revisits them soon.

Promises is more than a simple romance story of two friends falling for one another. It's about taking a risk to reach for your happily ever after. That, yes you are worth that love the other person feels for you. It's about hope, promises of forever, love, friendship and so much more. Ms. Sexton delivers a timeless classic in Promises and it is one book I can see reading again, multiple times. I am eager to read the next chapter in the Coda series and can't wait to see what happens next for Matt, Jared and all their friends in Coda, Colorado.
If you are looking for a new author to explore, I highly recommend Marie Sexton. She delivers character rich stories that will leave a smile on your face. I can't wait to see what else this author has up her sleeve for her readers in the future.

My rating for Promises: 4.5 Stars

The Coda Series:

Matt & Jared:
The Promise
Putting out Fires

Cole & Jon:
Strawberries for Dessert

Zach & Angelo:
A to Z
The Letter Z
Paris A to Z

More information on Marie Sexton and all her wonderful books can be found HERE

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