Minggu, 05 Juni 2011


- Three men broke into the rectory of the Basilica of St. Rose of Lima in Buenos Aires, Argentina on May 31, stealing around $4,300 dollars in cash, chalices and sacred vessels.

The 50-year-old pastor of the basilica was sleeping in his room when the men broke in, threatened to shoot him, and tied his hands together.

The DyN news agency in Argentina quoted police officials as saying the break-in occurred at 3:10 a.m. local time. The men entered through one of the windows of the rectory.

The Archdiocese of Buenos Aires issued a statement on May 31 saying the burglars “took the personal belongings of the pastor and then violently stormed into the sacristy.”

After the criminals fled, the priest freed himself and immediately called the police, the archdiocese reported.

The pastor, Father Alberto Sorace, expressed thanks to God “because I am okay.” He said he hopes the country can become safer.

During his 10 years as pastor of St. Rose of Lima, he said, “There have been small thefts, but nothing of this magnitude, with this modus operandi.”

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