Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

dicaprio haters gonna hate

dicaprio haters gonna hate. Haters gonna hate!
  • Haters gonna hate!

  • jrko
    Mar 31, 07:27 AM
    MX-2 Thermal Compound done!

    Just watching the temps on iStat. How sad am I?

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Happy Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • Happy Leonardo DiCaprio.

  • liketom
    Dec 19, 07:14 AM
    :D nothing apart from the picture was taken from Apple.com and my name :)

    i like it

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Haters gonna hate, but I think Gerard looks best in blond. Js. 219 notes Posted on Saturday March 12th
  • Haters gonna hate, but I think Gerard looks best in blond. Js. 219 notes Posted on Saturday March 12th

  • jorx
    Apr 25, 04:25 AM
    The drive must be of format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled).

    See here (http://www.zisman.ca/Articles/2009/LEM-Airdisk/airdisk.html) for more info.

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. ( Haters gonna BRRMMM? )
  • ( Haters gonna BRRMMM? )

  • TheMonarch
    Dec 23, 01:12 AM
    My first attempt... :) :o



    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Haters gonna hate
  • Haters gonna hate

  • Mal
    Dec 3, 11:49 AM
    Here's another one, and I reworked my Adium setup to fit with the lights better.


    I probably didn't get it from here originally, but you can find the desktop here: http://macmastersoftware.wordpress.com/2007/12/10/more-wallpapers-apple-christmas/


    dicaprio haters gonna hate. bieber haters gonna hate.
  • bieber haters gonna hate.

  • edesignuk
    Aug 13, 03:55 PM
    I like that a lot.


    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Copyright We Know Memes.
  • Copyright We Know Memes.

  • touchtone561
    Feb 9, 11:58 AM
    Why is a calling feature tied to a messaging one?

    Probably cause they want to shakedown all the non-unlimited messenger customers with a new tiered messaging structure.

    Perhaps, this new feature isn't a bad deal with A-List, etc.

    Now if I had only more than 1.5 bars and an iPhone that didn't go toaster hot (not cylon) :D when I try to use it on the first floor of my home.

    So when do you think the LTE Microcell(s) will arrive? [off topic]

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Latest Images
  • Latest Images

  • Batman101
    Aug 23, 03:18 PM
    Dont think so.

    Can someone knows how to do it please help! Thanks


    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Haters gonna hate.
  • Haters gonna hate.

  • Graeme A
    Sep 26, 08:35 PM
    i loves me some webmail... beats using outlook for my personal stuff, and just when i thought it was a waste of money renewing this year.

    good move!

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Haters Gonna Hate
  • Haters Gonna Hate

  • jav6454
    Jan 25, 02:36 PM
    I am folding in windows with my gpu for the next week or so, or until twoodcc gets back, then I'll go back to os x. We will have crazy ppd (for us anyway :P) when he returns!! As least jav6454 is back now. :)
    If all goes to plan, I will be building an Ivy Bridge computer when the chip comes out. But who knows when that is actually going to happen.

    Ivy Bridge ain't got nothing on Bloomfield! :D:D:eek:

    *sobs to death at realization of Ivy Bridge outdating Bloomfield*:o:(

    At any rate, once twoodcc gets back I'll put in my remaining 5850 at -bigadv units at maximum clocks.


    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Haters Gonna Hate
  • Haters Gonna Hate

  • saunders45
    Jan 9, 03:23 PM
    I think the keynote was a bust. Waaaaaaaaayyyy to much time spent on the frickin' iPhone, and I'm the perfect demographic for it. My iPod 4Gen just died, and my Samsung Cingular cell is on the fritz, but there is no way in hell I'm paying $600 for a nano/phone combo. 8gig is not enough space, especially when you start putting any video content on there. Thanks Steve, I'll pass...:confused:

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Trolls gonna troll…
  • Trolls gonna troll…

  • twoodcc
    Feb 12, 01:43 PM
    Yeah I have permission to use the iMacs, they're my dad's and brother's, respectively, and they're both into helping out with this project, as my dad's father died of alzheimer's and my brother had cancer recently.

    As far as the new computer goes, I will probably do one this year and the other the next, I just need to figure out which. The MBP would be a high end 15" i7 Sandy Bridge whenever those are ready. The PC would also be an i7 Sandy Bridge (2600k, probably overclocked a little) after the Sandy Bridge is ready again, with a GTX 570 most likely. Although I love building PCs I'm leaning towards getting a new MBP because I travel A LOT (literally half my year is normally spent away from home; I fly for an aerial mapping company) and I would really like to be able to play stuff like Civ V at good frame rates and would enjoy having a little bit more battery life for long airline flights. Not to mention the awesome cpu for compressing my blu ray collection and of course, folding. The kicker will be seeing how the specs for the new MBPs actually shake out, especially the gpu.

    i'm sorry to hear about that. glad that you have joined this project and have them on board as well.

    well hopefully the MBPs are updated sooner rather than later, but who knows with apple. hopefully the iMacs are updated soon too. once you decide on what you're going to do, let us know. if you're building a PC, we'd love to know which parts you're going with, over clocking, etc. if you get a MBP, we want to know what kind of PPD your getting


    dicaprio haters gonna hate. /Asinine-America-HATE.
  • /Asinine-America-HATE.

  • Prints
    Nov 20, 01:46 PM
    I want a device the size of an ipod that I can check my mail on, chat, and do some web-surfing for info, all without the ridiculous GUI deformities of windows mobile and treo, etc. and simple, easy to use hardware to back it up. I want to take it out of my pocket, see what I want, then put it away. Seamless integration with my macs as well.

    Maybe I'm in a nitch, but I don't see how this could lose. Make it simple, powerful, and seamless and people will ditch the baffling ordeal of their ipaq-esque phones in a heatbeat.

    I'm in the same boat. There are enough of us to sell a ton of those phones. Bring it on !

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. HATERS GONNA HATE!

  • modnar
    Feb 10, 01:31 AM
    The FAQ page is updated.

    It's only available for Family Talk plans of $69.99+, which appears to be the 1400 mins plan.

    It's available for Individual plans of $39.99 and up.


    dicaprio haters gonna hate. 3219 DIGS vs 1067 HATER ALERTS
  • 3219 DIGS vs 1067 HATER ALERTS

  • yellow
    Oct 23, 11:16 AM
    Does anyone out there know how to change the system Fonts on Lotus Notes for Mac?

    Yes... there's an application availabe on the Notes website that allows you to change the font size. It's called Notes Preference Editor.

    And yes, Notes is much more than just a handicapped email system. It's also a handicapped calendaring system, a handicapped database, a handicapped information distribution system, etc.

    And PGP isn't that simple to set up on a per-user basis (unless something has changed drastically in the last 3 years since I last looked at PGP?), and if a corporation has 40,000 users on email, that's a ******** of PGP setups to make. Beyond that.. your work email isn't your property. ;)

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. So obviously I#39;m going to step
  • So obviously I#39;m going to step

  • MacBytes
    Oct 13, 12:57 PM
    http://www.macbytes.com/images/bytessig.gif (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Category: News and Press Releases
    Link: Apple Awarded 'Anti-Sexting' Patent (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20101013135733)
    Description:: none

    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)
    Approved by Mudbug


    dicaprio haters gonna hate. IRC - Forums - System
  • IRC - Forums - System

  • iphones4evry1
    Oct 9, 09:45 PM
    Competition is a good thing. I'm on my third Twitter App right now, and this looks promising. I'm going to get this one and hopefully it will be better than the App I have right now. And hopefully competition will keep making the Apps better and better. :)

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. #haters gonna hate,
  • #haters gonna hate,

  • kwarren
    Mar 8, 01:10 AM
    Gonna be getting my hands on a 16GB black wifi model + dock and blue polyurethane Smart Cover. It'll be my first iPad and I'm pretty damn excited!

    Anyone else going?

    dicaprio haters gonna hate. Haters gonna hate :L
  • Haters gonna hate :L

  • grim103
    Dec 17, 03:44 PM
    Refill coming out on the 21st. YAY :) :)

    Apr 5, 11:07 AM

    question may be if it is necessary to do total reset by unpluging power cord, getting out battery and holding the power button
    after colapse of old battery or if it may help

    Apr 13, 09:49 AM
    I'm still on my 3G, I don't know how long it's going to last.

    Same here. Would have upgraded but had to move half way across the world for a year. I was looking forward to getting back in August to have missed the initial rush for this damn thing. :mad:

    Apr 15, 08:40 PM
    You don't care if Europe collapses? Not even a teensy bit that our allies are going to fail?

    Not my words, hence the quotes

    I think you either read the statistical trend wrong or perhaps read a twisted version of it from some "Christian blog" of some sort.

    What's really happening is that the birth rate is "diminishing"...not "reversing". The trend throughout ALL 1st world and emerging economies is that the birth rate per person reduces. There are several factors for this including the fact that modernized civilizations do not need to have that many babies in hopes that a few will survive disease, famine, hardship, etc. And the few babies that do get born are brought up to be "more powerful humans" so to speak...in a sense that they are nurtured more and given more attention and education, etc. What happens is that the average "modernized person" can supply like multiple X more economic productivity than your average 3rd worlder. In addition, many more of those 3rd worlders will die before they have "fulfilled their usefulness" to society ... or perhaps even reproduce.

    Think of it this way. If a person with a degree in industrial engineering can make a machine that spits out 10,000 donuts per day...how many "villagers" will it take to make an equivalent amount of food?

    Sep 27, 09:21 AM
    I think some people here think this is suddenly going to allow us to drag an image from our desktop to the .Mac mail page, and attach it to a new message. That isn't what they are describing as "drag and drop". They are talking about moving messages around in the web browser window.

    I feared as much, still being able to select multiple files in one time to attach would be enough for me, or just wait to upload until you are done

    Apr 9, 05:21 AM
    make sure you have a backup of the ipad 1 in itunes (it does this automatically everytime you sync it).

    Restore from backup on the ipad 2.

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