Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

Have a Koran… And a Knife Between the Ribs

Cultural Enrichment News

This news report concerns a woman who walked into a Minnesota public library and started stabbing people. As Vlad points out in the intro to the video, the TV report omits the fact that the woman was known for handing out Korans to people outside the library. The news announcers somehow manage to avoid any mention of Islam, referring simply to discussions of “religion”.

The original text report from CNN seems to have disappeared, but an article from a local CBS outlet confirms the detail about handing out Korans — as if the friendly neighbor in hijab would leave one in any doubt about which particular religion was being discussed.

Based on the appearance of the perp and the neighbor, and also the location — Minneapolis-St. Paul — the Muslim community in the neighborhood around the library is probably mostly Somali.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for YouTubing this clip:

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